Monday, November 26, 2007

IM depression

Yes I know everyone (well most people) gets it, but I'm in the bottom of it right now. I'm eating like i'm in peak weeks of IM training, haven't gone near a pool, my bike, let alone my running shoes since I crossed the finish line. As well as wondering how much faster I could have gone, breaking my race down into why I should have gone quicker.

I know I should be doing something but I just am struggling with motivation.

- I have my Florida IM reservation sat by the computer waiting to be payed.
- I have to go see a doctor about my ankle, to make sure there is no lasting damage, and to confirm I am ok to restart heavy training.
- I have to get back into some sort of structured exercise.

I have at least got all my stuff washed and cleaned from florida. (That took far longer than it should have done!)

Half of me is concerned about starting back too early and not giving myself time to rest, and half is just wanting to rest and eat. Maybe thats just laziness though!

Haven't dared weigh myself yet, maybe that will be the kick I need, as well as filling out the florida registration. Still working on my next years race schedule and that is helping a bit with the motivation.


Team Brazo said...

I know the feeling - part of me wanted to enjoy the time "away" and the other side of me needed those workouts. I went about two months without a schedule (ran every other day) and then started back on the base training schedule. I feel much better now being on a schedule.

Enjoy your day...

TJ said...

i hear ya. same thing here. i've done 2 easy runs and bikes since the race and haven't been in the pool once. and i'm eating like a mad man. i'm not going to put too much pressure on myself to get back on a schedule until december or january. plenty of time to get back to it.
enjoy it...we worked all year to be able to take it easy for a few weeks...right?

RunBubbaRun said...

I'm having a hard time starting up again as well. The hard part is always starting up again.

But do different things to make training more interesting. It always helps me get back into it.

Steve Stenzel said...

I hear ya.

The good news on the "weight front" is that your metabolism should be through the roof for a few months. Until then, you're fine....

Terri & TJ said...

You got plenty of time before training cycle begins but be careful about falling behind.