Friday, December 7, 2007

Babies Update and New Shoes

Babies update..
We have now been given a due date.. 20th June (40 weeks). Gemma is doing well, starting to show and she feels far less sick now. Being twins they are unlikely to go 40 weeks, the obstetrician has said he will be happy if they reach 36 weeks, 32 being the earliest he would like. Its all starting to feel real now :-).

New shoes..
Succumbed to the band wagon of Newtons, my local running shop (Runners Hi and Tri in Arlington Heights, shameless plug I know, but they have always helped me out) is now the local vendor and had them on offer, I got to try them out, rather than having to order them without trying them. Strange at first but feels comfortable. I am very impressed, taken a few runs to get used to them. But the action of running on my forefoot seems to have made a difference.
Will let you know more over the months. Though I am told it should hopefully reduce the strain on my ankles which is something I have suffered with in the past.


Spandex King said...

I don't know what to think of them. I noticed my achiles getting a little sore when I wore them everyday. So now I'm easing in to them. But that feels wierd. Good Luck.

RunBubbaRun said...

So you have become one of the newton folks now. Still don't see what so special about them, besides the price that is...

Hope they work out for ya..

Paul said...

I was looking at their web site last week, I was tempted but think I stick with trusty ASICS. Interested to know how you get on with them though.

4-0 to Hull was a great result?!