Theoretically speaking how long is too long to still be wearing you IM participant bracelet?
- 1 day post race?
- 1 week post race?
- 1 month post race?
- 6 months post race?
- The organisers of the following years IM cut it off?
My journey towards Fatherhood, as well as my second Ironman
My vote would be Never -- just collect them on the wrist and ankles.
It is funny that you still have it on - I thought I was the only one. It took me probably 3 weeks to cut off IMKY.
Team Brazo.. I never said I still had mine on, just theoretically speaking ;-)
Though do like the collecting on the wrists idea. But on the ankles?
You could frame them!
Like making a scrapbook!
I cut mine off the following morning, but I am not a jewelry wearer. However, I am still wearing my medal ;)
I did cut mine off but I still have it.
Mine came off as soon as we got back after the Presentation Party. I'm sure Shell has got it somewhere along with my medal and other race stuff. I've no idea where though.
Is it bad that after 5 IM's I've no idea where any of my medals or finishers photos are?
That one looks well worn to me......... I think you really have still got it on :)
My husband and I are having a contest who's last longest. Right now I"m winning by a long shot - besides the writing wearing off, mine looks like the day I got it. I think that I can make it to next year ;)
How long is too long between posts?????
Hey Tim, are you still there?
Happy New Year :)
How's it going? Still wearing the bracelet?
quite long indeed...
"The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare."
- Juma Ikangaa, Tanzania
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